Protecting your ad-supported CTV experiences

Protecting your ad-supported CTV experiences

Connected TV (CTV) has become one of the most popular ways to watch live and on-demand programming, often through smart TVs, streaming sticks or boxes, gaming consoles, or other connected devices. The growth of CTV has also created opportunities for programmers, distributors, and advertisers to reach TV audiences with relevant messages. But, while the array of CTV devices and platforms offer viewers choice, it’s also made it challenging to develop industry standards that work across all CTV solutions. This doesn’t just hinder the ability for CTV inventory to be sold across all deal types—it also leaves the medium vulnerable to fraudulent activity.

How can TV programmers and distributors protect themselves from fraud while making sure they’re able to grow revenue and deliver a good ad experience for their advertising partners and viewers?

Google Ad Manager has identified five best practices to help our partners protect their ad-supported CTV experiences at scale. Download our Connected TV best practice guide to learn more about how Ad Manager can help you monetize your connected TV inventory safely and effectively.

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